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Common DUI Related Codes


Common DUI Codes:

23152(a)– driving while impaired 

23152(b)– driving with .08% or more alcohol

23152(c)– driving while addicted

23152(d)– driving a commercial vehicle with .04% or more alcohol level

23152(e)– driving a vehicle for hire (taxi, train, Uber etc…) with .04% alc.

23152(f)– driving impaired by a drug

23152(g)– driving impaired by alcohol and drug combination

23153– felony DUI

23578– enhancement for driving with .15% or more alcohol level or refusal to test

23582– speeding while DUI; 60 day jail enhancement


Common DUI Arrest Related Codes:


243(a) PC– child endangerment

4060 B&P– possession of a drug w/o a prescription

11350 H&S– drug possession 

11550 H&S– being under the influence of a controlled substance.

12020 pc– weapons possession

12500– unlicensed driver

14601– suspended license

16028– no proof of insurance

20001(a)– hit and run felony

20002(a) – hit and run misdemeanor

23103– reckless driving

23109(c)– speed exhibition              

23222– open container in a vehicle

Common Traffic Infractions:


21453– failure to stop at a red light

21460– travelling in opposing traffic

22349– freeway speeding 

22350– unsafe speed (basic speed law)

22450–  failure to stop at a stop sign

22100– improper right turn

22102– U turn in a business district

22107– improper lane position

21658– lane straddling

21703– following too close

21801/21804– failure to yield on a turn or egress

23123.5– cell phone or texting while driving

24250 – headlights not on in darkness

24252– brake/tail light(s) out

24601– license plate light out

26708– tinted windows

27315– no seat belts

There are many others.  This is but a partial list of common vehicle code sections that can accompany a DUI citation.  Note, that they never cite you separately from the DUI citation.  These extra sections either appear on the DUI ticket as an additional offense or on the criminal complaint from the prosecutor and is usually the rationale for initialing stopping you.

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